Seven Simple Ways to prepare yourselves and the Kids for the Big Move
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths”. – Walt Disney
What is home? Home is where family is. Of course, where you reside plays a major role in your day-to-day life & its many phases. Highlighting such significance, relocation or moving can be a rather physical and emotionally exhausting task, regardless the new destination. It embarks a major turning point for each and every member of the family, especially the kids.
Below are seven simple ways to prepare your kids & the family for a move:-
- Uphold Transparency about the Future
It is extremely important that you maintain honesty with your kids about moving. Consider discussing the matter with an open mind and an understanding attitude. They are bound to be cranky and repellent or furious when the news is broke to them, but they deserve the truth. Besides, it’s not a negative action that is to be commenced and so you need to make your off-springs gain that perspective, which will make them adaptive in nature (for the longer run).
- Encourage them to be involved in the process
The best way to inculcate interest and divert the kid’s minds’ onto positivity and excitement is by involving them in the journey and making them feel like they’re a significant part of the unit. You can initiate by appointing them as the in-house movers & assistants by making them do small jobs like packing their toys and personal belongings according to their whims & fancies. This would keep them occupied when in order to deal with the major transition.
- Seek Professional Guidance
Despite the efforts put in by the family, do not hesitate in approaching professional movers for commencing this job as they can help make the right space, manage an efficient time & serve duties as to the deadlines set by you. Some moving companies also help navigate the new area for various allied services like city orientation, school search, basic confectioneries, etc. that helps an easy and happy adaptation to a foreign environment!
- Choose the New House with proper consent of the entire family
Decision-making should be followed with a prominent say by each member of the family, even the kids. This comforts the family into realizing that the decision hasn’t been forced upon them & it is what they want as well. For instance, you can ask them to give out their opinion on the new place or permit the kids of selecting their preferable wall colors and designs for their room, etc.
- Be Creative! Make a Memory Board
Children love artistic things. If you plan on extending a long-distance move, it is unsaid on how overwhelmed with agony would you feel to have leaving your near & dear friends & family behind. At such a transitional point, help your kid celebrate it with joy. Make a collage of all the memorable moments with your friends & family and their (kids’) favorite people. This memory board can later be hanged in their room so as to make them feel happy and special.
- Be distinctively particular about handling the kids’ things’
Ensure that there is proper labeling on the boxes that belong to the children. This is because kids can be very particular about their toys when they want to play with it. Consider investing a mini backpack that your child can easily carry throughout the move. Here, they can keep their very favorites of all the toys they have that are bound to keep them busy while on the go.
- Be at Home!
It is very important that you hold the feeling of home when at this point as well. This means when you’re done with unpacking, do not forget to hang on display the various pictures and beautiful moments captured with your friends & family when while like in your previous home. This will initiate a sense of familiarity for the entire family and make you feel more welcome & adaptive.
Henceforth, it might take time to set things right before there’s ease in sustainability, but the effort will always be worth it! As much as an adventure it is to your kids, it is an experience you can’t reencounter yourself. So, make sure that you make the most of it!
You can write to us on for a customized moving quote for Moving Company in Fort Myers and Naples or you can speak to us for a perfect moving estimate on (239) 249 3232.